
The Detox Tao de Daniel Reid

Go back to the simplicity of eating. Eat with humanity, with gratitude and respect. Try to eat with the awareness that you are taking in life to continue living. Reestablish a connection with the food you are eating. See what foods catch your eye and then come into contact with them. Observe them, touch them, feel them, smell them and finally taste them. Make whole foods in their natural state a priority in your diet. Avoid all processed, refined, canned, and fast foods. Nature has spent more than 4.5 billion years implementing the continuous dynamic formulation of these health tonics. Man can never articulate this complexity and nature will keep its secrets. However, nature gives us the end product of this alchemy for free! Whole foods in their natural state meet and exceed the recommendations of nutrition experts. In contrast, industrially refined foods are contaminated with poisonous pesticides and preservatives chemically altered with artificial flavors and coloring agents, they are also denatured by irradiation and genetic modification. Eat local, fresh and seasonal foods: storing and transporting food will reduce its nutrients.A true food is one that you can grow and care for yourself. You must choose foods native to your local habitat. The integrity of the food originates from the local environment, the whole dissolves the effort and nature will do all the work. Eat organic, wild or raw food, similar to wild: The more connected a food is with nature, the richer it will be in nutrients! Foods that come from wild plants tend to have more complex micronutrients that act as defenses against plant pathogens. The feeding of wild animals is based on wild plants, which are usually thinner, have more energy and are happier. Maximize diversity. Diversity is a characteristic of healthy ecosystems, so eating within a healthy ecosystem naturally leads to eating a wide variety of foods. In modern times, most of us eat a limited variety of fresh foods. This is why our recommendation is that you go to the local organic farmers’ fairs, where you will find a variety of rare vegetables and fruits, and taste them. Indigenous populations typically identify and consume more than 200 different edible plants in their local habitat.Eat more plants than animals. It is the proportion of nature. In most ecosystems and bio-regions, there are more plants than animals. Let your plate be the same. Use your somatic wisdom to choose your foods. How do we decide which foods to eat from a wide variety that are strongly influenced by habits or emotional gaps? Become more and more aware of what our body asks of us without allowing the mind to distract us. Our physiology and somatic wisdom evolved in conjunction with plants. The millions of years of interactions between human physiology and plants have produced a wisdom that far exceeds our scientific knowledge and reflects the needs of the present moment. This also includes the hunger drive. Hunger and satiety are reliable guides that will not let us down when we eat foods from nature. Whole foods in their natural state fill up easily, making it difficult to overeat. Take your time to eat, do it with pleasure and calm, chewing the food well and savoring it. Start each meal with a green leafy salad to which you can add all kinds of sprouts (rich in amino acids and excellent suppliers of enzymes!). Enzymes are catalysts for chemical reactions and are involved in all vital functions of the body. The average healthy should contain 20% -30% protein, 30% -35% carbohydrates (mainly fruits and vegetables with a small amount of whole grains), and 30% -40% fat, including essential polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega- 3, omega-9 monounsaturated fatty acids, saturated fat, and a small amount of omega-6 fatty acids. Contrary to what the “medical community” has been telling us, all fats are good except for Omega-6 fats, which are pro-inflammatory and are consumed in excess in the Western diet as they are hidden in bakeries and cakes. including industrially processed (hydrogenated) vegetable oils that lead to trans fats, and should be avoided by all means. Deep-sea fish is a good option for animal protein due to its high content of Omega-3 essential fatty acids, mainly those small fish that start the food chain and therefore are not so contaminated with heavy Se trata de sardinas, arenques, salmón salvaje o bacalao negro, pez mantequilla, anchoas o truchas. Come pescado salvaje, no pescado de piscifactoría. Si no come suficiente pescado, puede obtener los ácidos grasos omega-3 esenciales del aguacate, las aceitunas negras, la chía, las nueces y la linaza. Se pueden agregar nueces (avellanas, almendras y semillas de girasol o calabaza) a sus cereales de desayuno o ensaladas. Los ácidos grasos omega-3 son de gran beneficio para la salud (cerebro, neurotransmisores, corazón, arterias, hígado, piel, vista -gracias a su acción sobre la retina, etc. Contribuyen al equilibrio emocional al reducir la agresividad, combatir la depresión y aliviar los dolores de cabeza También tienen importantes propiedades antiinflamatorias que contribuyen a la prevención de muchas enfermedades. La carne se obtiene mejor y se consume mejor cuando tiene un “Certificado de trato humano” o “Carne 100% alimentada con pasto”, pollo de corral y pavos libres de jaulas. Reducir el consumo de alimentos ácidos: naranja, mango verde, cas, kiwi, fresas y otras frutas ácidas, vinagre, chocolate con leche, té negro, café, salsa de tomate (ketchup), mostaza, encurtidos, vino blanco. También minimice los alimentos que requieren una producción excesiva de ácido clorhídrico para la digestión (azúcar y harinas refinadas, panadería y confitería industrial, carnes rojas, salchichas, refrescos, exceso de legumbres (frijoles, lentejas, guisantes y garbanzos). La enfermedad prospera en un ambiente ácido. Incrementar el consumo de alimentos alcalinizantes: vegetales en general, plátano, aguacate, papaya, pera, almendras, camote, papa, maíz no modificado genéticamente. Cocine al vapor y guisado para conservar los nutrientes de los alimentos. Use sal marina sin refinar para cocinar. La sal marina sin refinar contiene cloruro de sodio, yodo, magnesio y prácticamente todos los oligoelementos. Tenga cuidado con el fluoruro agregado a la sal refinada. También se recomienda la sal del Himalaya o cualquier otra sal en su estado natural. Cocine solo con aceite de oliva extraído en frío, aceite de semilla de uva o aceite de coco.These oils resist high temperatures without losing their nutritional value and without being denatured (going from cis to trans fats that the body cannot metabolize). Minimize the frying of your food and use the above crude oils in your salads and vegetables; keep them refrigerated or in a dark place to avoid oxidation. Olive oil has antioxidant and anticancer properties, favors the evacuation of bile, improves intestinal transit and helps reduce bad cholesterol. Use lots of herbs and spices: thyme, rosemary, ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, coriander, basil, tarragon, parsley, bay leaf, chives, garlic, and onion to flavor and enhance the flavor of your meals. These herbs and spices, in addition to being very rich in nutrients, some have anti-cancer properties. They also contribute to better digestion, helping to prevent putrefaction and fermentation of food in the intestinal tract, which has a favorable effect on the immune system. We also recommend the consumption of seafood: oysters (with a high zinc content), mussels, seaweed (very important source of trace elements and minerals), also Japanese food, such as sushi or sashimi, or some Lebanese dishes such as hummus, eggplant caviar. or the cucumber and yogurt plate. Eat whole grains in limited quantities (quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat, brown rice, rye, millet, oat bran). Whole grains retain all their nutrients: their vitamin B content intervenes in the balance of the nervous system and in a good assimilation of sugar. Fiber also improves digestion and positively affects fat metabolism by preventing its accumulation in the form of adipose tissue. Limit your wheat intake as much as possible, modern wheat has been adulteratto such an extent that it has been completely transformed from its prehistoric genetic makeup to become a human poison. Modern wheat contains a new protein called gliadin which is an opiate. This protein binds to opiate receptors in the brain and stimulates the appetite of most people, which is why we consume 440 more calories a day, 365 days a year. According to Dr. William Davis, a cardiologist, author, and wheat expert, thousands of people ditching wheat are losing 30, 80, and up to 150 pounds of weight. Diabetics get better; people with arthritis experience significant relief. People recover from swollen legs, acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome, depression, etc. ”Breakfast cereals should contain more fiber than grams of sugar. They must be natural and without preservatives. Choose, for example, cereals from Uncle Sam, Ezekiel or other similar brands. Reduce the consumption of dairy products that cause allergies, phlegm and digestive problems that affect the balance of the intestinal flora and favor the passage of undesirable molecules into the bloodstream. Choose goat, sheep and almond or hazelnut milk cheeses. Cow’s milk has been linked to many diseases in children and adults, such as chronic fatigue, anemia, diarrhea, iron deficiency, atherosclerosis, arthritis, cramps, obesity, all kinds of allergies, and heart problems. Add these super foods to your diet: Lemon, Turmeric, Ginger, Coconut Oil, Chia or Lemon (Citrus): Lemon is the acidic and alkalizing fruit with the best medicinal qualities. Purifies the blood. It is a broad spectrum antimicrobial agent against bacterial and fungal infections; it is effective against internal parasites and worms, regulates high blood pressure and is antidepressant; fights stress and nervous disorders. It is said to kill the malignant cells of 12 types of cancer, including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreas. Turmeric (Curcuma Longa): Turmeric contains curcumin, the polyphenol identified as its first active component, which exhibits150 potentially active therapeutic properties, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. It is also antiseptic, analgesic, boosts the immune system, helps maintain cholesterol and triglyceride levels, promotes digestive health, detoxifies the liver, regulates metabolism and controls weight and blood pressure, improves memory and brain function. alleviating neurological disorders, as well as various skin conditions. Adding black pepper to turmeric increases the bioavailability of curcumin a thousand times thanks to the properties of piperine. Mixing turmeric with black pepper increases the absorption of turmeric in the body by 2000 percent! Ginger (Zingiber officinale): Ginger is tonic, febrifugal (lowers fever), diaphoretic, antiemetic (stops vomiting), antispasmodic, antiflatulent, antiseptic, expectorant, circulatory stimulant, aphrodisiac, anti-inflammatory stomach, liver protector and cholagogue secretion). of bile), limits diseases of the sea and transport, relieves colds and coughs. It is similar to estrogen and also has a beneficial effect on fertility as it increases sperm volume and improves sperm motility. Coconut Oil (Cocos Nucifera): Coconut oil is a brain nutrient that is even associated with improving cognitive abilities in Alzheimer’s patients. It is very effective in healing wounds and has been used for this since time immemorial. It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-fever properties. Coconut milk is an extremely effective antiulcer agent. Recent research has shown that coconut oil also has antifungal properties with great susceptibility to Candida Albincans. Coconut oil has been shown to reduce oxidative stress in bones, preventing structural damage to osteoporotic bone. Lastly, coconut oil acts as an excellent sunscreen. Chia (Salvia Hispanica): Chia seed is very nutritious and balancing; Its Omega 3 content helps reduce bad cholesterol and triglycerides, strengthens energy levels and favors concentration in the face of attention deficit. Helps cleanse the digestive system thanks to the gel created by soaking it. It favors the regeneration of tissues by regulating blood coagulation. It contains proteins of high biological value with all the essential amino acids.Strengthens the immune system. It has anticancer and antidiabetic properties, controlling blood sugar levels. Eat red and purple fruits and vegetables, black grapes, cherries, beets. All of them contain polyphenols and anthocyanins, in addition to vitamin C, powerful antioxidants that stimulate the formation of collagen and contribute to the firmness of the skin. These vegetables and fruits are also said to be linked to the prevention of age-associated DNA mutations. These bioflavonoids are also found in white or green tea, berries (strawberries), and dark chocolate. Also blueberries, cherries and raspberries have the virtue of regulating the level of glucose in the blood. Prefers farm eggs. Avoid the consumption of coffee, black tea and soft drinks because of their high caffeine content and their harmful effects on the nervous system. When choosing juices, look for natural ones with no added sugar (for example, most cranberry juices are overly sweetened). Juices can also be mixed with water to reduce sugar intake and improve hydration. Beware of the many names of high fructose sweeteners: corn syrup, fruit juice concentrate, molasses, honey, cane juice, etc. Drink 8 glasses of water as pure as possible a day. Filter your water, it is not recommended to drink tap water, nor bottled water, which in some cases is worse than tap water that contains chlorine and a large number of other chemicals. Some ideas for flavoring your water: lemon juice, thyme, organic orange, or tangerine. Marisia Jiménez.